Typically, missing teeth are replaced in one of three ways, and there are advantages and disadvantages to all three types. After consulting with Dr. Mike, you can decide which option is best for you.
Option #1 – Removable Partial Denture or Complete Denture:
Partial and complete dentures are typically used to replace multiple teeth or all of the teeth.
Option #2 – Fixed Bridge:
If you are missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, often a bridge can be fabricated to replace them using the adjacent teeth for support. This option is cemented in the mouth, and therefore, cannot be removed. They look and feel very much like your natural teeth.
Option #3 – Dental Implants:
Using dental implants to replace missing teeth results in the most realistic appearance, and it’s typically the longest-lasting option. Dental implants are placed by a surgical procedure, and they essentially mimic the root of the missing tooth. Then, a crown is placed over the top of the dental implant to replace the missing tooth. Dr. Mike has had extensive training in this area in order to allow him to place the dental implants in his office and restore them, as well. This allows the procedure to be done in the least amount of time and also reduces expenses for his patients.